> HelloMark.net > Default Site Setup
ICRA Ratings
The "Default Site Setup" package includes
ICRA stands for Internet Content Rating Association. They provide a system whereby surfers may set their browsers to automatically accept/reject web-sites before even viewing them. Families, for example, could choose to set their browser settings to prevent certain kinds of sites from being viewable on the family's or the children's computers. As such, when a surfer's browser has been set to "not view" sites which are either "bad" (per the surfer's own individual definition of "bad") or are not "rated" by ICRA at all, any web-site that is not ICRA-rated or is "not rated good enough" (per the surfer's definition) will automatically NOT be seen in their browser. The ICRA-rating system accomplishes this by the following means. Using the ICRA system, the particular content of your web-site would be rated. After all of the specific content-rating-information is completed, ICRA then provides a special code to insert inside the web-coding of the web-site, based on the specific type of the web-site's content. It is that specific web-coding which the surfer's browser "reads" first, before "deciding" whether or not that your web-site should be "allowed" as "viewable", according to the surfer's own pre-set definitions. Since most web-sites have no reason to not be "viewable", it only makes sense to include this extra coding. This then makes sure that your web-site is not otherwise "rejected" simply for lack of the coding in the first place. As well, once the web-site has been ICRA-rated, it provides a very postitive "marketing promotion benefit" for you. This is because your web-site may then demonstrate to all surfers to your site that you genuinely care about families surfing on the internet. And that can mean a lot to many surfers, which can only be a good thing for your enterprise. Accordingly, the ICRA button is placed at the bottom of every web-page of your powerful web-site from HelloMark.net. To further help your web-site, therefore, ICRA Ratings are specifically setup and included for you in the "Default Site Setup" of your powerful web-site from HelloMark.net! If you or your enterprise need a web-site with this additional type of powerful capability, then contact HelloMark.net to set an appointment today!
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