> HelloMark.net > Default Site Setup
How Site is Created
When you order a powerful web-site to be developed for you by HelloMark.net, the web-site portion of the overall sum of products (combined as one) which you are ordering is that of HelloMark.net's copyrighted, exclusive web-development, design, system, and set-up of your web-site. To keep the explanation simple, the actual "product" of the web-site portion is identified as the "Default Site Setup". The "Default Site Setup" (being the web-development portion) is not to be confused with other portions which would also be included in the overall sum of products you may be ordering ---i.e., Domain Registration, Web Hosting, and/or Your own Email POP3 server, etc.
Default Site TEMPLATE In order to provide the most straight-forward and most-easy-to-understand explanation of how the copyrighted, exclusive development of a powerful web-site by HelloMark.net is created, the "Default Site Template" has been established and posted to this web-site. The "Default Site Template" provides a usable, fully-navigable example of what to expect in the "Default Site Setup". This article here will detail what is involved in creating such a powerful web-site for you, using that "Default Site Template" as the example. Indeed, the "Default Site Template" is set in such a way so as to give the "feel" of being in a separate web-site. That way, you may see how the "raw material" of a web-site is organized using the copyrighted professional web-site development and design exclusively available to you only by HelloMark.net. Infrastructure First Performing the construction of a web-site can be seen as having some similarities with that of how an actual "house" is also built. With that in mind, as Mark likes to say, "Do not worry about the wallpaper before you've got the foundation and structure in place." The infrastucture must be developed first, before being concerned with other "more cosmetic" matters, such as display organization, text-fonts, colorations, link-positioning, etc. The "Default Site Template" demonstrates how the foundation and structure of a web-site is first established by HelloMark.net. This structure is what is built first, before later going back to tweak the proverbial "wallpaper items" of the web-site. Before putting content "into" a web-site, the following are first developed.
Directories & Articles As the above would indicate, the primary foundation upon which the infrastructure of a powerful web-site by HelloMark.net is built is that of the effective and intuitive system of Directories and Articles. While Logos and Slogans can be (and often are) easily changed, a solid infrastructure heavily depends upon the navigation-structure of the web-pages which will be created for the web-site (when "filled" with content later). The "Default Site Template" provides the example of two content Directories, each set with their corresponding three content Articles, in an outline format as follows:
As that illustrates, the infrastructure of a web-site is set in an outline format. This is easily accomplished by this effective and intuitive system of organizing content according to Articles in their respective Directories. It is important to additionally note that many web-sites do not and would not have content that would actually be "articles". Rather, this here is for illustrative purposes, in order to explain the "Directory/Articles" relationship in building the infrastructure. Moreover, a web-site will not necessarily use the words of "Article" and "Directory" as they are used in this example here either, of course. Lastly, while this template example refers to the "top" of the (imaginary) "site" (i.e., the "Default Site Template" as if it is a web-site), identifying it as "HelloMark.net/default-site-template/" in the titling and navigation-links, this is only for illustrative purposes, too. On actual web-sites, it would, of course, only refer to the top of the web-site's domain itself. The "Frame" is Built Once the NAMES of all the Directories and the respective Articles are set, the "frame" of the web-site (just as a "building") is then built. The web-addresses (URLs) for them are created. The links for those newly-created web-addresses (URLs) are then set in the corresponding boxes of navigation-links which appear on the left-side of all the web-pages on the web-site. Those links are also set in the "expanded menus" which appear immediately after (below) the content-text area on all web-pages (except at the top of the site's one web-page). You may observe this whole example "in action" with the "Default Site Template". Once you are there, click any of the navigation-links on the web-pages (and on the subsequent web-pages there in the "Default Site Template"). When navigating/surfing through the "Default Site Template", you may want to make sure to observe the following:
Filling out the Rest After the infrastructure is all set and the "frame" is built and in place, the rest is, as they say, "all gravy". Indeed, once the infrastructure is in place, the content you provide would then be filled "into" the Articles in their respective Directories. Any other items which are part of the "Default Site Setup" (not to be confused with the "template" which is only an example of the setup) are then also installed or added as applicable. (For examples: "Error Pages", "Send Email" Script, ICRA Ratings, and Image Viewer script.) Once these default items are installed, added, and set (all as part of the initial web-site package of the "Default Site Setup"), then any additional web-development work you order for your web-site would thereafter be performed as well. Namely, additionally ordered accessories/site-tools would be added. If any personalization-tweaking is requested to "individualize" the web-site (to make it more unique), such tweaking would then be performed too. It's all up to you! Adding more is then up to you! Indeed, once the foundation and structure via this copyrighted system from HelloMark.net is fully in place, the possibilities for personalization-tweaking the web-site are only limited by how much work you want performed for the web-site thereafter! Ahh, imagine the possiblities indeed! It's all so easily "do-able", an easy and simple step-by-step process. And that's all what makes having your web-site developed by HelloMark.net to be your best web-services option! If your enterprise needs a web-site as simple and yet as powerful as all this, then contact HelloMark.net to set an appointment today!
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